• The construction, upgrading and servicing the national network of automated air pollution monitoring in Slovak Republic,Bratislava for the Slovak hydrometeorological Institute involving  the supply of measuring stations with equipment, instrumentation for measuring air quality control system, data collection and processing, central station software
  • Supplies and deliveries ofmore than 200 pieces of monitoring stations in Poland, Hungary, Romania, Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, Serbia, Albania, Croatia, Scotland, Austria, Lithuania, Greece through our customers and partners EAS ENVImet and ENVItech Bohemia.
  • Redevelopment ofair pollution monitoring for the company SPP (Slovak Gas Industry) 3 pc stations with instrumentation and equipment
  • Redevelopment ofair pollution monitoring for SCP Ružomberok (Mondi)
  • Redevelopment ofair pollution monitoring for Duslo Šaľa
  • Redevelopment ofair pollution monitoring forSlovnaft a.s. 3pcs of immission monitoring stations
  • Delivery of mobile monitoring station for Univeristy of Žilina including analyzers and equipment.